Saturday, June 4, 2011

Learning the Mishaps of T-Ball

B-Bee had his first T-Ball practice today. Think there may have been more parents on the field than kids, Daddy said there weren't many helicoptor-y parents though. Right off the bat B-Bee had his first collision while doing runs back and forth across the field. He ran head on into a little girl. They both fell down. She got up and kept running. He didn't know what to think and, nicely put, he was a little more sensitive. While getting bedtime kisses tonight he was sad and kept talking about how he didn't run. Told him it's okay and that we would try running again next time.

It was a lot for B-Bee to take in, on top of being tired already, and he had a hard time focusing and following directions. Then, he being our very literal child.... Well, when he was on 3rd base they told him to "run home". So he took off for the Exit. I'm sure that's a story he hopes I forget before he gets married someday.

Nellie watched her big brother with me from the sidelines, behind the plexiglass - decked out in her Twins onesie (B-Bee got to choose between Rockies or Twins, so Nellie matched him) and tutu. The cutest thing was the baseball on the butt of her onesie, especially since she does the "monkey crawl" all the time now. (She's SO close to walking!)

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