Friday, August 26, 2011

T-Ball. The End.

I apologize for the 1980's 110mm-quality pics.... The lighting is so weird in this place, plus zoom - it's hard to get a nice, crisp shot.

Daddy-O encouraging B-Bee to participate at T-Ball, retelling him the instructions in a very specific manner. Okay, maybe not. I hope it wasn't just a "you can do this" pep talk. Yes, he usually has this deer-in-the-headlights look for most of practice. You know he just stood there when all the other kids ran. It was a good experience for him though. Best of all, that he got one-on-one daddy time every week. We'll try another sport next time.

Little Miss Nellie, however, we couldn't keep her off the field. She SO wants to do whatever the big kids are doing. She kept going for the balls and throwing them. This MAY be her thing. She is already showing athletic tendancies desires.

Playing the shark game. That was more fun!

Goofing off with his friends in line was the most fun. Btw, you never see so many blondes together in our neighborhood. ...and as you can see, there's Nellie again.

She took it upon herself to put the balls on the T for everyone. B-Bee's like "Okay, I'm standing here. Now what?" Just don't tell him to "keep your eye on the ball", because he will literally.

But he did bat and he did hit it and he did run the bases!   Baseball's not my thing either.

So now I'm debating what to put him in this fall: gymnastics, soccer, swimming, ice skating.... He says ice skating. He did well in swimming so I'm kind of leaning towards that - plus there's no gear to buy. We'll see.

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