Friday, August 26, 2011

Breastfed Baby Not Allowed In CO Court

Please let me know if you can help my friend or would like to get involved in getting this initiative passed. From my friend, Christine:

I went to the courthouse yesterday 8/24 with Charlize (now
6mos) in tow & the woman checking me in said "Mam no children
are allowed in court"  I let her know that I tried to work this
out with the commissioner but she said there was no way out so
here I am.

I waited in the juror selection waiting room praying for my #
not to be called.  Nope!  I was called.  So up to the courtroom
I go with Charlize & all the other jurors.  The Judge was SO
rude to me & when I said to her how I tried to be excused
because I breastfeed & this is my "job" she then said "because
you're breastfeeding?" and proceeded to ask the other 19 jurors
in the room "How many of you left a job to be here today, raise
your hand"  I told her that I had tried to be excused because
this is how I choose to raise my children & I am not going to
change just for one day in court.  She then said to me "Well
how will it be when I put you in jail?"  And then she was
saying things like Man, I really don't want to be the judge in
the headlines tomorrow as the judge who took a mother away from
her child & put her in jail.  She stated that twice to me,
making me scared as hell but I was still going to stand my
ground and was ready to go to jail if I had to.  She ultimately
sent me back downstairs by saying:  "Let another judge deal
with you I don't want to be in the news as putting a mom in
jail" Then she stated to the assistant she had "Put her # back
in the pool & email them that she is coming back downstairs."
The way this woman made me feel (humiliated, scared & almost
ashamed to be breastfeeding my child) made me cry the whole
ride down the elevator.  Once back in the waiting room the
announcement came that the rest of us in the waiting room were
now excused.

I felt attacked just because I chose to raise my children this
way.  So, I ask you to please help me out by putting this email
out to the group with my email address [message me for her email address] because I am embarking on a very challenging journey.  I am going to work towards getting a bill passed to change the jury
duty laws to reflect 12 other states - If you are breastfeeding
you do not serve & CA's law states that  - If you are the sole
provider for your child you do not have to serve until your
child / children are of a certain age (for California the age
is 5 yrs old).

Colorado being such a family friendly state I am surprised that
this is not an exemption yet. Anyway, I have not a clue as to
how to get this going & was wondering if anyone in our group
has had any experience in trying to put something into law??

Thank you for your help!!
Christine Kalata

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this! I am a first time mom who has chosen to exclusively breastfeed my son. I got summoned for duty right after I had my son-the actual date was when my son would be about 2 months. I called and explained my situation and though I was excused for that time the lady was not real friendly and said my name would be put back into the cycle and I would be called when my son is about 7-8 months and I cannot use breastfeeding as an excuse again. I understand doing my civil duty but my son comes first! I plan on breastfeeding as long as possible and my son never takes a bottle-he hates it. So I feel stuck and I envy the states that allow parents who are the sole providers for their children a free pass until their children are older. I totally support you in this!
